Friday, March 16, 2007

Expensive scenery

Two years after the news first broke, New Hampshire taxpayers are still struggling with the taxman over the value of their scenic views. It seems that, when calculating property tax bills, state officials add an estimate of the value of the view from the property in question -- a picture-perfect view of the mountains can add a hefty tax premium to even a humble shack.

New Hampshire's David Bischoff built a one room hunting cabin with no power, no water, just an outhouse.

And a "200,000 dollar view," he says.

State officials insist that they've been including views in their tax calculations all along -- they're just now openly including the item on the tax assessment forms. But property owners want to know why their taxes have skyrocketed since the state "came out" about the view tax.

The answer should be obvious: The state wants more money and found a new and intangible asset to tax. A view is worth whatever an official says it is, so it's an open-ended source of income.

Somebody needs to launch a tax revolt.



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