Monday, March 12, 2007

Nannies all around

Political lefties have taken a well-deserved pounding in recent days for silly nanny-state legislation that, for instance, bans trans fats, outlaws foie gras, effectively confines smokers to their own homes and even (in California) would forbid the sale of incandescent light bulbs. The urge to rule manifests itself in the most surprisingly petty ways, among some government officials.

But, just in case we needed it, now comes a reminder from Georgia that lawmakers sitting on the right side of the aisle can be intrusive busybodies, too, when the urge hits them -- they just have a different set of issues over which they like to boss people around.

The controversy in Georgia is over Sunday alcohol sales -- whether they should be allowed, that is. After making a brief stand against a smoking ban in the name of individual liberty, Governor Sonny Perdue is jettisoning his minimal libertarian cred to oppose an effort to let voters decide for themselves if they want to keep the state's oppressive and annoying ban in place.

As always, it's a tug of war between people who believe, at least to some extent, that individuals ought to be left free to make their own decisions, and those who insist that their personal preferences should be jammed down the throats of the population at large. Those who would control us come in different flavors, from radical animal rights activists, to health-nazis to religious fanatics, but, in the end, it all boils down to somebody in a uniform writing you a citation because you want to live life your own way.

The urge to rule seems to be especially in vogue these days, so I expect to see more finger-wagging laws coming our way in the near future. Frankly, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find an area of life in which somebody doesn't want to legislate -- whether for our own good, or on behalf of that perennial standard of political bullies everywhere: The children.

Honestly, we have only ourselves to blame -- or our neighbors, anyway. Politicians wouldn't bother with the nanny-statism if they didn't get a big "attaboy" as a reward for their efforts when they stand for reelection.



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