Sort of public, sort of private -- and bankrupt
The federal government thought the private sector wasn't doing a good enough job at providing home loans, so it created the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) to grease the skids a bit and encourage private lenders to hand out more money. So how are those fine institutions doing?
How could that be?
Now, given that these monstrosities are huge and are backed by the federal government, guess who is in the hook for the tab?
That's right, you taxpayer, you are.
In 2004, the Cato Institute's Lawrence White warned of the dangers inherent in Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's special status and called for them to be really privatized.
They own or guarantee $5 trillion worth of mortgages - nearly half of all the country's outstanding home loan debt - and they're crashing. Big time.
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac go under, it will wreak yet more havoc on an already wrecked housing market - making loans tougher to come by and possibly pushing hundreds of billions of dollars in cost on to U.S. taxpayers.
How could that be?
Each may borrow up to $2.25 billion direct from the Treasury. They are exempt from state and local income taxes and from Securities and Exchange Commission registration requirements and fees. And they can use the Federal Reserve as their bank.
One result of all this special treatment was AAA credit ratings. That means Fannie and Freddie could borrow at super-low rates, a benefit they used to purchase - and hold -high-yielding mortgage loans. The spread between the two provided an irresistible earnings stream and the companies just kept getting bigger.
The mortgages they hold on their books alone total about $1.4 trillion, said Mike Stathis, managing Principal of Apex Venture Advisors, a research and advisory firm.
In the meantime, the companies were allowed to operate in this manner, piling on risk after risk, with virtually no capital cushion (Wall Street speak for the rainy-day piggybank financial companies keep should one of their investments blow up.) As the company's loan portfolio loses value and the mortgage market continues to crumble, it's easy to see why this was a fatal misstep.
Some saw the crisis coming before this week. For example, Alan Greenspan famously warned in 2004 that Fannie and Freddie's rapid growth needed to be curbed because their expansion threatened the financial markets.
Still, the cocktail of high credit ratings, domination of the mortgage securities market, and preferential government treatment led to the sort of shenanigans that go hand in hand with excessive privilege.
Now, given that these monstrosities are huge and are backed by the federal government, guess who is in the hook for the tab?
That's right, you taxpayer, you are.
In 2004, the Cato Institute's Lawrence White warned of the dangers inherent in Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's special status and called for them to be really privatized.
Labels: stupid government tricks
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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