Saturday, December 6, 2008

Arizona speed camera rebellion piece published in the Republic

My column on the growing insurrection, including sabotage, against radar speed cameras on Arizona's highways appears in The Arizona Republic here: Rebellion mounting vs. speed cameras

Arizona officials can defend the use of speed cameras to raise revenue all they want, but they have a problem on their hands.

The opposition started with the usual public demonstrations by groups like CameraFraud and has now graduated to sabotage. Based on experiences elsewhere, this is only the beginning.

In the UK, Australia, Maryland and elsewhere, the roadside Peeping Toms have been pulled from the ground, spray-painted, smashed, burned and otherwise rendered not-so-revenue-enhancing. In Britain, a shadowy character known as "Captain Gatso" has organized endless efforts to turn more than 1,000 cameras into expensive scrap metal since 2000.

Note that the latest news is that a man from Glendale took after one of the spy eyes with a pick-axe.



Anonymous John Macknow said...

Cool! I love stories about people doing wacky things to fight back.

And in the meantime, there's always

December 7, 2008 11:30 PM  

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